Omron Nebulizer Compressor A3 Complete
Omron Nebulizer Compressor A3 Complete
Omron Nebulizer Compressor A3 Complete
Omron Nebulizer Compressor A3 Complete

Omron Nebulizer Compressor A3 Complete

3-position nebulizer that provides quick relief of the upper, intermediate and lower airways with a simple adjustment.

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Omron Nebulizer Compressor A3 Complete provides a wide range of nebulization solutions for therapy of asthma and other respiratory problems.


  • The A3 Complete nebulizer provides a wide range of nebulizer solutions for therapy of asthma and other respiratory problems.
  • Nebulizer with 3 positions: Position 1- Upper respiratory tract (rhinitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, common cold); Position 2 - Intermediate airways (tracheitis and tracheobronchitis); Position 3 - Lower respiratory tract (asthma, COPD, bronchiolitis, bronchiecstasia, bronchopneumonia).
  • Medication deposit capacity: 12ml (min 2ml).
  • One button operation.
  • Easy cleaning and disinfection.