Coliprev is a food supplement with lactase, intended for infants from birth, which helps reduce colic and digestive discomfort.
Usage advice:
With Breast Milk: Place the appropriate number of drops on a previously sterilized spoon and give directly into the baby's mouth, following the instructions in the table, regarding age and number of drops per meal. Continue breastfeeding normalmente.Com With Infant Formula (Powder or Milk): Carefully prepare the infant formula according to the manufacturer's instructions. Add Coliprev drops to warm milk according to the instructions in the table. Throw away any unused preparation. If you choose to prepare the baby's meals in time, simply add 4 drops of Coliprev to the milk and keep it in the refrigerator for 4 horas.Em . In exceptional cases, when the baby feels greater discomfort, you can gradually increase, drop by drop, the use ColiPrev up to a maximum of 12 drops per meal.
Coliprev should be used whenever you feed your baby during the first 3-4 months of age, when the enzyme lactase begins to be produced in sufficient quantity to act on lactose. After this period, Coliprev must be gradually withdrawn. It is suggested that you start by reducing the recommended dose per meal by half, then alternating between meals until it is reduced to once a day before completely withdrawing. If during the period in which Coliprev is being removed from the infant's diet, colic persist, it is advisable to return to the initial regimen. With a liquid quantity of 15mL it is possible to prepare approximately 37 meals. Food supplements should not be used as a substitute for a balanced and varied diet. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose and keep out of the reach of children.