Milprazon 4mg/10mg 4 comprimidos

Milprazon 4mg / 10mg 4 tablets

Treatment of mixed infections by tapeworms and nematodes in cats.

Expiration Date: 06/2024

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✓ Medicinal product subject to veterinary prescription.
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Milprazon is indicated for the treatment of mixed infections by immature and adult nematodes and nematodes of the following species:

- Cestodes:

  • Dipylidium caninum
  • Taenia spp.
  • Echinococcus multilocularis

- Nematodes:

  • Ancylostoma tubaeforme
  • Toxocara cati

The veterinary medicinal product can be administered to prevent heartworm disease (Dirofilaria immitis), if concomitant treatment against tapeworms is indicated.

Active substances: Milbemycin oxime 4 mg and Praziquantel 10 mg.

Milbemycin oxime is active against mites, against larval and adult nematode stages as well as against Dirofilaria immitis larvae. The activity of milbemycin is due to its action on the neuron transmission of invertebrates causing the death of the parasite.

Praziquantel is active against tapeworms and trematodes. It modifies the calcium permeability of the parasite's membranes, causing an imbalance of the membrane structures, which leads to the depolarization of the membrane and almost instantaneous muscle contraction (tetany), rapid vacuolization of the syncytial integument and subsequent disintegration of the integument (vacuolization) resulting in an easier expulsion of the parasite from the gastrointestinal tract or death of the parasite.

Posology and route of administration:

Oral use.

Cats must be weighed to ensure the correct dosage is determined.

Minimum recommended dose: 2 mg of milbemycin oxime and 5 mg of praziquantel per kg, single dose. The veterinary medicinal product must be administered with or after feeding.

Depending on the cat's body weight, the practical doses are as follows:

0.5 to 1 kg - ½ tablet

> 1 to 2 kg - 1 tablet

Because it is a veterinary medicinal product subject to medical prescription, we request to send it to the email: online@farmacianovadamaia.pt.
