Piludog Dogs and Cats 16 tablets

Piludog Dogs and Cats 16 tablets

Contraceptive for dogs and cats.

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Medicinal product subject to veterinary prescription. (942 Items)
Medicinal product subject to veterinary prescription. (942 Items)
✓ Medicinal product subject to veterinary prescription.
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Active ingredient: 10 mg of megestrol acetate

Prevention of heat in dogs and cats,
Interruption of lactation in bitches and cats, motivated by a pseudo-pregnancy;
Treatment of pseudo-pregnancy;
Treatment of satiriasis (hyper-sexuality) in males of the canine and feline species;
Treatment of endocrine miliary dermatitis.

Indications for use, specifying the target species: Prevention of heat in dogs and cats; Interruption of lactation in bitches and cats motivated by a pseudo-pregnancy; Treatment of pseudo-pregnancy; Treatment of satiriasis in males of the canine and feline species; Treatment of feline miliary dermatitis of endocrine origin.

Contraindications: The administration of Pilusoft is contraindicated in case of pregnancy or cystic hyperplasia of the endometrium. Do not use in case of known hypersensitivity to the active substance or to any of the excipients.

Special precautions for use on animals. The administration of Pilusoft is contraindicated in case of pregnancy or cystic hyperplasia of the endometrium. The most frequent and severely undesirable effects are: Tendency to increase weight; Glandulo-cystic transformation of the endometrium; Early return of normal heat after a period of time, fertility is generally preserved. No serious undesirable effects have been detected.

Posology, method and route of administration: Oral use, according to the dosage schedule described below.

Heat prevention:

In the dog: One month before the scheduled date for the onset of heat, administer for 32 days, with a daily dose of 0.5 mg / kg of live weight, that is: ¼ of a tablet for bitches weighing less than 5 kg; ½ tablet for bitches weighing between 5 to 10 kg; ¾ tablet for bitches weighing between 10 to 15 kg; 1 tablet for dogs over 15 kg.

In the cat: administer ½ tablet every 15 days. The heat will normally return 6 to 7 months after the end of treatment.

Treatment of lactation following a pseudo-pregnancy and treatment of satiriasis in males of the canine and feline species, treatment of pseudo-pregnancy: Administer PILUSOFT for 8 days in a daily dose of 2 mg / kg, ie: 1 tablet daily, for animals (dogs, dogs, cats or cats) weighing less than 5 kg; 2 tablets per day, for animals (dogs, bitches, cats or cats) with 5 to 10 kg; 3 tablets per day, for animals (animals (dogs, bitches, cats or cats) over 15 kg

Because it is a veterinary medicinal product subject to medical prescription, we request to send it to the email: online@farmacianovadamaia.pt.
