Orozyme Enzymatic Toothpaste Snacks S 224g

Orozyme Enzymatic Toothpaste Snacks S 224g

Snacks formulated to keep gums and teeth healthy, prevent bad breath and reduce dental plaque.

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Orozyme Enzymatic Toothpaste Snacks are enzymatic toothpaste snacks formulated to keep gums and teeth healthy, prevent bad breath and reduce dental plaque.


  • Alternative for dogs whose teeth are impossible to brush.
  • They combine the enzymatic action of lactoferrin and lactoperoxidase, components of the LPO enzymatic complex, which enhance the mouth's natural defense system with the mechanical action of chewing.
  • Eliminates tartar and prevents plaque formation.
  • Prevents bad breath.
  • Prevents gingivitis and periodontal disease.
  • Easy to administer, with a meat flavor.
  • It does not contain sugar so it is suitable for diabetic dogs.

Usage advice:

Only administer to dogs with firm, healthy teeth. 1 snack daily, preferably after the last meal.
